Yanina Stockings Willow Artist and Basketmaker

Inspired by nature
A little about me, my name is Yanina Stockings, I grew up in the Highlands of Scotland surrounded by the ancient Caledonian pine forests and much of my inspiration for my work is gained from time spent in woodlands and other natural places.
I have a BSc Hons in conservation, sustainability is important to me, all of my willow and rush is sourced here in the south of England and where possible I harvest my own locally. I trained as a teacher at Southampton University in 2009 and I now run many varied willow workshops around the south of England making this ancient rural craft accessible to everyone.

Based in Bournemouth Dorset
Workshop visits by appointment

Yanina is a member of the following organizations
Basketmakers Association
Heritage Crafts Association
Basket Makers South West
Dorset Coppice Group
Arts and Health South West